Monday, December 19, 2011

Love through Time & Space: My obsession with Doctor Who.

I love Doctor Who.

I didn't know much about it, honestly until a beloved crush of mine, Sean Biggerstaff had something to do with it. (you probably didn't notice him in the first two Harry Potter movies, unless you were an adolescent girl with a penchant of adorkable boys with accents who played Quidditch, like me) He played Oliver Wood (both his character name and real name are so damn laden with double entendre its just plain comical...) the Quidditch captain (you know that crazy-sexy boy in the omg-so-hot cable-knit sweater who teaches Harry the meaning of the game? Yeah, him...

He did some Doctor Who stuff so it became a blip of my radar. Then my bff Vikki brought it over and we completely geeked out over it. I started watching David Tennant (Doctor Ten) but then went back and watched all of the Christopher Eccleston. episodes. I really liked Nine, he had something very compelling about him. I just fell so completely, madly in love with Ten that there was no other Doctor in my world though. 

It's that pizazz that always attracts me to things. I fall head over heels in love with people who are unabashedly themselves. I dislike poseurs, haters and boring people who see blank sheets of paper as what they are instead of all the infinite awesomeness they can become. (I mean seriously?! If you can't see a story or a drawing, can't you see a to do list or a paper airplane at least?!?! SOMETHING?!?!)
So I am a HUGE Rose & the Dr shipper. My favorite episodes are: The Shakespeare Code, The Girl in The Fireplace and The Idiot's Lantern

um yes, that's why...

All over the great wide somewhere that is the internet I've come across cute, funny or pure ingenuous Doctor Who things, so I've complied some of the recent ones here. (If you know or are the maker of these let me know and I'd love to give you credit, props, a parade for making them!)



Creepy as hell, but hilarious.


It says "For when you absolutely have to kill every motherf-cker in the room" hahahaha

I love this one. It's just so damn funny. I honestly want to meet a Dalek, and hug him. 
It'll be like that time I met the R2D2 mailbox, freaked out and hugged him....I mean...what? I'm perfectly normal and only get as excited as normal people do when I see sights of geekery awesomeness... (lies. all lies. I squee with the best of them.)
(That time I found out there was an R2D2 mailbox 
an hour and a half away from my house and
made my parents drive me to see it....)

So I hope you enjoyed my first post of geekery. Much more to come, I promise! (live long and prosper, anyone?)

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