Monday, December 19, 2011

The Art of Karen Dupre: Fashion at its finest.

Today I started a new job, well techincally it's a job I've worked before as an intern, but I'm now paid and at a snazzy new office. Well in this snazzy, posh ladies room (It has fancy mirrors, pretty hanging lights and a velvet faiting couch. See I told you, Snazzzzzy) The art on the walls is the following posh fashion artwork of Karen Dupre. (I looked for a website of hers but didn't find one, if you know of one, or I find it I'll add it in...)

But until then, enjoy the loveliness:

 I love when art work is the idea of a person, but it is revealed the full identity of that person. I like how this lovely lady's hat obscures her face. It's sexy. I also love the moulin rouge aspect these pictures have. 

Why yes, I go walking my leopard around all the time, don't you darling? lol. This one is pure girly fantasy. I don't normally fantasize about walking or owning a leopard but hey. (It reminds me of that Katharine Hepurn movie "Bringing up Baby" you should watch it. Further proof I missed my decade:

Anyway, back to Karen Dupre lovelies...

This is pure sexy. Moulin Rouge bells are flashing in my creative consciousness. I love red and black, or frankly I love any bright color with black. Add the leg slit and feathers?!? OMG! I honestly want this outfit to dance around in.

This screams steampunk to me. I love the cheekiness of it. I love love love it.

I will post more visual delights as I come across them!

1 comment:

  1. Came across your Dupre post while seeking a particular Dupre print as well as more info on her. I've had her work framed in my home for several years now and just added a laundry room where I want to hang more. If you are able to find any additional info on her or her work (like who represents her), please share. I love her work too. So feminine and wistful!
